
·         19 June 2007- The Victorian Government released its Water Plan project to secure Victoria’s water future.

·         September 2007- Premier John Brumby and the Water Minister Tim Holding announced that the Victorian Desalination Project would be delivered as a Public Private Partnership. The PPP process enables the government to resource the expertise in designing, building, financing, operating and maintaining the project.

·         December 2007- the Minister for Planning had decided an Environment Effects Statement that was needed for the project. This was a 12-month public process.

·         4 June 2008- the Victorian Government called for Expressions of Interest.

·         30 September 2008- AquaSure and Basswater short-listed two bidders, to tender.

·         October 2008- the tender documents were released.

·         March 2009- the Federal Minister for the Environment approved the Arts and Heritage project and issued a Works Approval.

·         30 July 2009- Winning bidder for construction, AquaSure was announced

·         28 September 2009- Thiess Degrémont committed earthworks on site.

·         6 October 2009- Construction commenced

·         4 February 2010- First sections of the new pipeline are laid

·         December 2011- Production and related operations expected to commence

·         2035-2045- Contract for the operation of the plant expected to expire